SSC Result 2015 Recheck process

SSC Result 2015 Recheck process

               SSC 2015 result has been published on 30th
may 2015. Many student have success in SSC examination. Many student don't get their desired Grade or GPA. And many students failed.
If you think your result is not acceptable you can apply to recheck your subject wise result. To recheck your result you have to follow some procedure. Don't worry it is very easy to apply.

Only teletalk mobile operator SSC system using SSC recheck application 2015.

The SSC result 2015 recheck SMS system are bellow:


SSC Rescrutiny Process 2015:

Type RSC<space>first 3 Letter of your Board Name<space>Roll no<space>Subject Code

and send it to 16222

Dakhil Rescrutiny Process 2015:

Type RSC<space>Mad<space>Roll no<space>Subject Code

Technical Rescrutiny Process 2015 :

Type RSC<space>Tec<space>Roll no<space>Subject Code

SMS 2:

PIN Number will be provided Bangladesh education board will send a message to your number. Application charge details will also be given in the SMS. As per subject, the fee was 125 taka. If you are interested to check your subject result then send the second SMS.

Type RSC<space>YES<space>PIN number<space>Contact Number and send it to 16222.
SSC result recheck

You can apply to check more than one subject result in same sms by using comma to separate the subject code. You can check

your contact number whether it is correct or not as all information will be provided in that number.

recheck process, recheck procedure, recheck method, recheck action, recheck mode