Birthday quotes

Birthday quotes

Birthday online wish is very lovely and easy and fast way to wish your dears family, friend, and relatives. You can greeting
your birthday friends send birthday cake wallpaper, birthday sms, birthday e card etc via online like social media.

And always bear in mind that you are a very special person. who deserves all the happiness in the world. wish you a very Happy Birthday.

Friendship is about bringing out the positive when everything seems negative, being accepted
 for who you are, being able to think up right where you left off....

Be yourself Invite new challenges Bacall past triumphs Fresh you instincts have faith in you instincts Have faith in you abilities Desire only the best Affirm your strengths you'r get what it takes!

Birthday quotes

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Happy birthday quote

Happy birthday quotes
Happy birthday quotes

Khuda kaise karoon shukriya iss din ke liye jis duiye tumhe dharti pe beheja hamare liye naa jaane kyon main intezaar kar raha ta shayd janmdin hai tumhara iss liye meri har ek dua hai teri lambi umr ke liye dil khud jaanta hai tu na ho dhadkega kis ke liye.

joy is what I wish for you success in everything you do hope all your dreams come true and luck may not leave you.

I have relation with you that ends with my life. you will stay my friend and lover forever. May you lead all od your life happily with me as you today!

worm Birthday Wishes for someone very special. So Many times, You've Lightened My cares with your company. So, many times, You've chased away My Blues, With your presence. And that's why today, I wish you many Happy Returns, of each and every joy', you've gifted me.